Monday, February 8, 2021

Class -6 Chapter-11 Solved Exercise



1          C

2          B

3          A

4          A

5          C

True/ False

1          T

2          F

3          F

4          T

Fill in the blanks

1          Blind Carbon Copy

2          Signature

3          Junk

4          +

5          Exact Phrase


1          B

2          D

3          A

4          E

5          C


One Word Answers

1          Carbon Copy

2          We can send a picture, sound or video clip as an attachment with your e-mail.

3          To Compose a new e-mail

4          A signature

5          SPAM mail

6          + sign in front of a keyword to include it in the search result and the – sign to exclude it from the search result.

Answer the following

1          In the e-mail screen, Cc : is the acronym for the Carbon Copy and Bcc: is the acronym for the Blind Carbon Copy.

2          SPAM mail is the practice of sending huge volumes of unsolicited e-mail for advertisements.

3          Favorites are a feature provided by the Internet browser tool that allow a user to store and return to his or her favorite website directly.

4          When you enter a search term that consists of more than one word, like math puzzle, you can get results where both terms can be present in any order and anywhere in the search result.

5          + sign in front of a keyword to include it in the search result and the – sign to exclude it from the search result.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Class-7 Chapter-10 Solved Exercise


1 d

2 a

3 c

4 d

5 a


1 T

2 F

3 F

4 T

5 F


1. Comarision operator

2. +

3.  Sequential

4. colon



1. e

2. d

3. a

4. b

5. c

One word

1. Operators of the highest precedence are performed first.

2. Operators at the top of the table have the lowest precedence.

3. Used to replicate a string multiple times.

4. It is used to reserve the logica; state of its operand.

5. '/' Operator divides left side operands with right side operand. Result is the quotient.

    '//' operator is the quotient in which the digits after the decimal points are not taken into account.

Answer in One word.

1. An operator is a symbol which helps the user to command the computer to do a certain mathematical or logical manipulation.

2. Operand are the values or variables, which the operator is applied to. The value of the operands can be manipulated by using operators.

3. Assiggnment Operators : Python assignment operators are used for assigning the value of the right operand to the left operand.

    Relational Operators :- These operators compare the values on either side of the operand and determine the relation between them.

4. Logical operators in python are used for conditional statements are true or false. Logical operators in Python are AND, OR and NOT.

5. Decisions in a program are used when the program has conditional choices to execute code block.



Class-8 Chapter-10 Solved Exercise



1. d

2. c

3. c

4. c

5. b



1. F

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F



1. repeating loops

2. While loop

3. membership operator

4. false

5. one



1.  c

2.  d

3.  b

4.  e

5.  a


Answer in one word

1. range (start, stop, step)

2. while loop

3. for <variable>in range (intial value, final value, step value):

    loop body(statments to be executed)

4.  While<condition>

loop body(statementes to be executed)

5. A post increment operator is used to increment the value of variable after executing expression completely in which post increment is used.


Answer the following

1. For loops are typically used when the number of iteration is non before entering the loop. It is also known as definite loop.

2.  For loops are typically used when the number of iteration is non before entering the loop.  While loop has one control condition, and executes as long as the condition is true.

3.  Python membership operators evaluates if a value exists in a given sequence or not.

4. While<condition>

loop body(statementes to be executed)




while i<=10:

print (i)



Class-6 Chapter-10 Solved Exercise



1  b

2  c

3  d

4  d

5  a



1  T

2  F

3  F

4  T

5  F

6  T

7  T

8  T



1 symbol

2  library

3  instance

4 frame

5 frames   layers

6  tween

7 Shape



1 a

2 c

3 b

4 e

5 d


Answer in one word

1 Library

2 Graphic Symbol

3 Movie clip symbol

4 All contents of animations are organized into the timeline in flash.

5 Keyframes are those frames, where major changes in animation take place.

6 Animation is a method in which figures are manipulated to appear as moving images

7 Ctrl + Enter

Answer the following

1. Symbol: A symbol is a reusable object used/created in Flash.

     Instances: An instance is a copy of the original symbol which we drag from the library to the stage.

2. The Timeline determines the timing of the movie, controlling how fast or slow frames are displayed over time. It is also where you create layers, which help you organize the various elements on the Stage. Note the Playhead. The red rectangle will move across the Timeline to show you the current frame on the Stage

3. Frame by frame animation: This type of animation is the traditional style of animation, where we need to draw every frame of animation.

Tweened Animation: In tweened animation, you only create the starting and the ending frames and let flash create rest of the in-between frames.

4. Motion Tweening: In motion tweening , you define properties such as position, size, and rotation of a shape at one point in time.

Shape tweening: In shape tweening , you can create an effect similar to morphing, making one shape Appear to change into another shape over time.


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Class-7 chapter-9 solved exercise

Ans. \t
Ans. \n
Ans. a=int(input("enter value = "))
Ans. When we enter some commands at the Shell prompt and see their output 
instantly simply by pressing the enter key. we will observe that shell prompt can wors 
as a calculator.
Ans. Python is a high-level programming language. Python is very easy to learn the language as compared to other languages.
Ans. 1. It is very easy to code in python language 
        2. Anybody can learn python basics in a few hours or days .
Ans.The Print() function prints the specified message to the screen, or other standard output device.
Ans. Guio van Rossum created Python language. 
           Shor Answer Type Question
Ans Python is an Interpreted and Intractive language. Python can run on a wide variety 
of hardware platforms and has same interface on all platforms.
Ans. Data types means the type of data stored in a variable. 
Each language has its own data types to store data in variable.
Ans. C, C++, Java, Javascript, Perl
Ans. We can always re-assign a new value to a variable in the same program.
Ans. "\t" is used for new tab and "\n" is used for new line.
Ans. When we are taking the input from the user as a string 
with input() and then we are using the int() to change it to an integer.


Class-8 Chapter-9 Solved exercise



Ans.  +  Operator


Ans. Variables is a quantity, whose value can change as many times as required during the execution of a program.


Ans.  % operator


Ans. (>>>) sign


Ans. Less then (<) or greater then (>)


Ans.  Int : Integers are positive or negative whole numbers with no decimal point

 Float : float represent real numbers and also we can written with a decimal point


Ans. The assigned string should be enclosed in single or double quotes.


Ans.  The float () function converts values received through the input statements into floating point numbers.


Short Answer Type Questions.



Ans. Python is a popular object oriented programming language that offeres a lot of flexibility.


a. Easy to Learn and Use

b. Interpreted Language



Ans:  Python IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Python. The Python installer for Windows contains the IDLE module by default.


Stpes for create a new program file in IDLE:-

1.      The IDLE shell window opens up. ...

2.      Opening up a new window will create a script file window. ...

3.      You can run the script by going "Run --> Run Module" or simply by hitting F5 (on some systems, Fn + F5).

4.      Before running, IDLE prompts you to save the script as a file.



Ans. A variable must have a data type associated with it, for example it can have data types like integer, decimal numbers, characters etc. The variable of type Integer stores integer values and a character type variable stores character value. The primary difference between various data types is their size in memory



Ans. Python and Java are both programming languages. Python variables are dynamically typed whereas Java variables are statically typed. Java variables are type checked during compile time, unlike Python.



Ans. To execute a file in IDLE,

Step -1 In the IDLE shell window, click on the file menu

Step -2 Click on New file option

Step-3 Type your program

Step-4 To save the program with name and extension .py

Step-5  Press F5 for execute the program

The program will execute and the output will be shown in the Shell window.



Ans. The if-elif-else statements provide a method to perform multiple tests on a condition.



Ans. If else Statement

Syntax :






Ans. Python provides a Python Shell, which is used to execute a single Python command and display the result.



Ans. Right-click the Python window and select Save As to save your code either as a Python file (.py). And give the location on desktop. click on save option. Python code will be saved.