Saturday, April 17, 2021

Class -8 Chapter-2 Solved



A. Short Questions

Q.1 Differentiate between a line chart and pie chart.

Ans.       Line Chart : A line chart shows a trend in data at equal intervals.

                Pie Chart : A pie chart shows the proportional size of the items included in a single data series.

Q.2  What is the purpose of conditional formatting?

Ans. Conditional formatting refers to the setting a format on a cell based on a condition.

B. Long Question

Q.1 Explain a few elements of charts.

Ans.       Legends : They link the colour-coding to the actual data series.

                Gridlines: A system of gridlines that are parallel to the x-axis and /or y axis.

                Plot Area: The area bound by axis where the data is displayed.

                Chart area: The complete region covering the entire chart with all its elements.

Q.2 What is mixed cell referencing?

Ans.  A cell address contains two parts- coloumn-letter and row-number. Hence, $B3 is a mixed reference, because B is absolute while 3 is relative.

C. Put tick () mark on the correct option.

1. A pictorial representation of data on Excel worksheet is called:

Ans. c. Chart

2. The set of data that is that is displayed on a chart is called _____

Ans.  a. Data Series

3. _____ is a good tool for plotting charts.  

Ans. C. Both of the above

4. Different types of cell referencing is/are:

Ans. d. All of the above

5. _____ sign is used to hold a column and /or row reference constant.

Ans. b. $

D. Fill in the blanks.

1. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that runs on Windows Environment.

2. Conditional Formatting refers to the setting a format on a cell based on a condition.

3. Plot Area is the area bound by the axis where the data is displayed.

4. The Legends links the color-coding to the actual data series.

5. Conditional Formatting is a feature that helps to set a format on a cell based on a condition.

E. Write T for True statement and F for False statement:

1. The legends link the color-coding to the actual data series.                                      T

2. $D$12 is an example of Mixed cell referencing.                                                             T

3. We can change the Axis Title of a Pie Chart.                                                                    T

4. Worksheet is pictorial representation of chart.                                                              F

5. The Data Lebels can be added in the center of the Bar Chart.                                  F

F. Define the following:

1. Pie Chart

Pie Chart : A pie chart shows the proportional size of the items included in a single data series.

2. Mixed Cell referencing

Mixed Cell referencing:  A cell address contains two parts- coloumn-letter and row-number. Hence, $B3 is a mixed reference, because B is absolute while 3 is relative.

G. Write steps to do the following jobs:

1. Move a chart

Ans.     Step 1 : Firstly , we right click on the chart.

            Step 2 : Then, we select ‘Move Chart’ from the shortcut menu.

            Step 3 : Now, we select Sheet name where to place the chart.

            Step 4: Now, we click ok.

2. Resize a chart

Ans.     Step 1 : Firstly , we move the mouse over the size handles.

            Step 2 : The dots around the edges of the chart are the sizing handles.

            Step 3: When the mouse change shape to a double-headed arrow.

            Step 4: Hold down the left mouse button.

            Step 5: Then drag to a new location. we can also resize the corner of the edges.