Thursday, April 22, 2021

Class-6 Chapter-2 Solved Exercise



A. Tick ( ) Mark the correct Option

1. It is used for calculating and comparing:

Ans.  a. ALU

2. The physical devices that we can touch and feel are called _______.

Ans.  b. hardware

3. The _______ of a computer includes Arithmetic Logic Unit and the Control Unit.

Ans.  c. CPU

4. The Full form of ROM:

Ans.  c. Read Only Memory

B. Fill in the blanks

1. The computer mainly works on two components: Hardware and Software.

2. External memory is known as Secondary Memory too.

3. The main memory consists of Primary and Secondary Memory .

4. ROM is the non-volatile memory of the computer.

5. RAM  is read/writable memory of the computer.

C. Short Questions.

Q.1.  What do you mean by input device?

Ans.  Input Devices receive input from the user in the form of raw data.

Q.2 What is the full form of ALU? What is its function?

Ans.  ALU ( Arithmetic and logical Unit)

Arithmetic operations include all (+, - , /, *) etc. and all logical operations are those operations which involve logical operators (NOT, AND, OR) and result in True or False.

Q.3 Write about the function of the control unit.

Ans. Control Unit ensures that all the other parts of the processor do whatever is instructed to them.

D. Long Questions ;-

Q.1 Which two functions does the arithmetic and logic unit perform?

 Ans. Arithmetic operations include all (+, - , /, *) etc. and all logical operations are those operations which involve logical operators (NOT, AND, OR) and result in True or False.

Q.2 How does increase in size of RAM increase the speed of the computer?

Ans.  RAM leads to the increase in the data which we can store at one point of time. It enables us to run multiple programs simultaneously.

E. Give the difference between :

Q.1 Input Device and Output Device.

Ans.       Input Device : Input Devices receive input from the user in the form of raw data.

                Output Device : Output Devices are mainly used to display information (Output) to the user.

Q.2 Primary memory and Secondary Memory.

Ans.       Primary Memory: A primary memory (internal memory) is the main memory of the computer.

                Secondary Memory : Secondary Memory is also known as external Memory. Normally, it stores the information for much longer time.

F. Name any two:

Q.1 Components of a computer

Ans.   Hardware  and Software

Q.2 Memory Chip

Ans:  Primary and Secondary Memory

G. Give the full form of :

1. CPU – Central Processing Unit

2. RAM – Random Access Memory

3. ALU – Arithmetic Logical Unit

4. ROM – Read only Memory










Saturday, April 17, 2021

Class -8 Chapter-2 Solved



A. Short Questions

Q.1 Differentiate between a line chart and pie chart.

Ans.       Line Chart : A line chart shows a trend in data at equal intervals.

                Pie Chart : A pie chart shows the proportional size of the items included in a single data series.

Q.2  What is the purpose of conditional formatting?

Ans. Conditional formatting refers to the setting a format on a cell based on a condition.

B. Long Question

Q.1 Explain a few elements of charts.

Ans.       Legends : They link the colour-coding to the actual data series.

                Gridlines: A system of gridlines that are parallel to the x-axis and /or y axis.

                Plot Area: The area bound by axis where the data is displayed.

                Chart area: The complete region covering the entire chart with all its elements.

Q.2 What is mixed cell referencing?

Ans.  A cell address contains two parts- coloumn-letter and row-number. Hence, $B3 is a mixed reference, because B is absolute while 3 is relative.

C. Put tick () mark on the correct option.

1. A pictorial representation of data on Excel worksheet is called:

Ans. c. Chart

2. The set of data that is that is displayed on a chart is called _____

Ans.  a. Data Series

3. _____ is a good tool for plotting charts.  

Ans. C. Both of the above

4. Different types of cell referencing is/are:

Ans. d. All of the above

5. _____ sign is used to hold a column and /or row reference constant.

Ans. b. $

D. Fill in the blanks.

1. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program that runs on Windows Environment.

2. Conditional Formatting refers to the setting a format on a cell based on a condition.

3. Plot Area is the area bound by the axis where the data is displayed.

4. The Legends links the color-coding to the actual data series.

5. Conditional Formatting is a feature that helps to set a format on a cell based on a condition.

E. Write T for True statement and F for False statement:

1. The legends link the color-coding to the actual data series.                                      T

2. $D$12 is an example of Mixed cell referencing.                                                             T

3. We can change the Axis Title of a Pie Chart.                                                                    T

4. Worksheet is pictorial representation of chart.                                                              F

5. The Data Lebels can be added in the center of the Bar Chart.                                  F

F. Define the following:

1. Pie Chart

Pie Chart : A pie chart shows the proportional size of the items included in a single data series.

2. Mixed Cell referencing

Mixed Cell referencing:  A cell address contains two parts- coloumn-letter and row-number. Hence, $B3 is a mixed reference, because B is absolute while 3 is relative.

G. Write steps to do the following jobs:

1. Move a chart

Ans.     Step 1 : Firstly , we right click on the chart.

            Step 2 : Then, we select ‘Move Chart’ from the shortcut menu.

            Step 3 : Now, we select Sheet name where to place the chart.

            Step 4: Now, we click ok.

2. Resize a chart

Ans.     Step 1 : Firstly , we move the mouse over the size handles.

            Step 2 : The dots around the edges of the chart are the sizing handles.

            Step 3: When the mouse change shape to a double-headed arrow.

            Step 4: Hold down the left mouse button.

            Step 5: Then drag to a new location. we can also resize the corner of the edges.












Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Class-7 (Computer) Chapter -1


A. Short questions:

Q.1 Write the names of two types of software.

Ans.       1. System Software                         2. Application Software.

Q.2 Give names of four utilities software.

Ans.       1. Screen Saver                                                 2. Antivirus program

                3. Disk Cleanup Programs             4. Disk defragmenter

B. Long questions:

Q.1 What is the use of a language processor.

Ans. The software that translate is a type of system software called Language Processor



Q.2  Explain high level language?

Ans. We write programs in computer language, e.g. BASIC, C++, Java etc. using words of English. Such languages are called High-level languages.

Q.3 Give an example of programming language and its purpose.

Ans. COBOL : This language is helpful in business applications.

C. Tick () mark the correct options:

1. The components that can be touched, felt and seen are called ________.

Ans.       b. Hardware

2. Computer- aided design is used to _________.

Ans.       b. Produce engineering

3. MS-WORD, MS Excel, TALLY are the examples of _________.

Ans.       b. Ready-made software

4.Machine Code consists of :

Ans.       b. 0s and 1s

D . Give the difference between

Q.1 Compilers and interpreters.

Ans. Compilers : A compiler is also a software program that translates an entire program written in high level language into machine language.

Interpreters: An interpreter is a software program that translates a high level language program into machine language. The translation is done line by line.

Q.2 Application Software and system software.

Ans. Application Software: Applications Software are set of programs that are put together for specific purpose or task.

System Software: System Software are a set of specially designed for performing tasks such as, controlling the computer hardware and utilizing the resources to help the application software to solve our specific problems.

E. Fill in the blanks

1. A programs is a set of Instructions that performs a special task.

2. Software is a set of programs.

3. A Compiler is also a software program that translates an entire program written in high level language into machine language.

4. An  Interpreter is a software program that translates a high level language program into machine language.

5. Fortran, C++, COBOL, JAVA, HTML, and LOGO are all Programming language.

F. Give the full Forms.

1. DTP : Desktop Publishing Package

2. OS : Operating System

3. CPU : Central Processing Unit

4. CAD :  Computer-aided design





Monday, April 12, 2021

Block chain

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Class-8 Chapter-1

Short Questions

Q.1 Define an operating system? Mention any two operating System.

Ans. Operating System is an important part of a computer system which controls all other components of the computer system.

Example – Windows XP, Windows 7

Q.2 What is the difference between CUI and GUI?

Ans. CUI (Character user Interface ) helps the user to type commands to communicate with the operating System.

GUI (Graphical User Interface ) Allows the users to selects options, picture etc. from menus so that they may communicate with the operating system.

Long Question

Q.1 What is an Open Source Operating System? Give an example.

Ans. In operating system, everyone can have access to code of Open Source software. Using it, we can modify and share it.

Example – Linux.

Q.2 Write any four functions of operating systems.

Ans.       1. The OS manages files, saves our work, organizes our files, finds files that we have saved and loads files for us.

                2. The OS distributes memory space to program and data

3. The OS manages the computer’s hardware such as hard disk & motherboard etc.

4. The OS accepts data from input devices and transfers it to the computer’s memory.

Q.3 What are utilities? Give two examples.

 Ans.  Utilities are helpful in computer maintenance tasks.

Example :-           1. They can compress a file to save space on backing up the storage.

2. They help to recover data from damaged files.


1.  a. Operating System

2.  a. 1985

3. a. Operating System

4. c. Quick Dirty Operating System

Class -6 Chapter-1


A. Tick () Mark the correct Option

1. ______ computers are designed in a way that you can place all the units, The system unit, input device, as well as the output on a desk.

Ans.  c. Desktop

2. A _____ computer is also called a Notebook.

Ans.  c. Laptop

3. PARAM is the example of which of the following?

Ans. c. Super Computer

4. Mini Computer were developed in ___________.

Ans. b. 1960

B. Fill in the blanks

1. Hybrid computers are combination of _Analog_ and digital.

2. PCs, banking , Sales analysis are __Purpose__ computers.

3. _Mini Computer_ were developed in 1960s.

4. _Embedded_ Computers are the micro-processor built in various products.

5. Palmtop    computer is small enough to fit in the palm of a hand.  

C. Short Questions.

Q.1.  What is a workstation?

Ans. A workstation has more powerful microprocessor and a higher-quality monitor too.

Q.2 Write two features of two Computers.

Ans.       1. Super computer can process billion of instructions per second (BIPS).

                2. Super computers are used for tasks that required intensive calculations.

Q.3 What are embedded computers?

Ans. Embedded computers are placed within a large product. They are small in size. They can perform many types of tasks.

Q.4. What is tablet?

Ans. Tablet is a special type of notebook computers which function by just touching the screen.

D. Long Questions ;-

Q.1 How are super computers different from micro computer.

 Ans. Super Computer Specifies that these are the fastest and the most expensive ones in the world. They can process billions of instructions per second (BIPS).

Micro computers use a microprocessor chip called CPU. They are also known as personal computers.

Q.2 On the basis of operation, how are computers classified?

Ans. On the basis of operation computer classified into three types.

1. Analog Computer.

2. Digital Computer

3. Hybrid Computer.

E. Give the difference between :

Q.1 Micro Computers and Mainframe computers.

Ans. Micro Computers:  Micro computers use a microprocessor chip called CPU. They are also known as personal computers.

Mainframe Computers: A mainframe Computer can process millions of instructions per second (MIPS)

Q.2 Palmtop and PDA.

Ans. Palmtop: Palmtop can be easily fit in the palm of our hand, so they got the name palmtop.

PDA: PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is a handheld device. It is a combination of computing, telephone/fax, and networking features.

Q.3 Desktop and Palmtop computers.

Ans. Desktop: Desktop Computers are designed in such a way that we can place all the units (the system unit, input device and the output unit) on a single desk.

Palmtop: Palmtop can be easily fit in the palm of our hand, so they got the name palmtop.

F. How have computers have made our day-to day live easier:


Ans. MIPS: MIPS (Millions instructions per Second) They use more than one processor chip.


Ans: PDA:  PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is a handheld device. It is a combination of computing, telephone/fax, and networking features.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Class-8 Chapter-12 Solved Exercise


Class -8



1              A

2              A

3              B

4              B

5              A

6              C

True/ False

1              F

2              T

3              F

4              F

5              T

6              F

Fill in Blanks

1              Cyber Threat

2              Personal Information

3              Password

4              Social Engineering

5              Cookies

6              Worm

Match The following

1              D

2              E

3              A

4              C

5              B

6              G

7              F

One Word Answer


Ans. A Trojan Horse is programme to deceive the user by appearing to be a genuine file (like an image or video or a software utility).


Ans. Adware is short form for advertising –supported software.


Ans. Cookies are data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser while a user is browsing a website.


Ans. Kespersky, Symantec, AVG


Ans. Denial of Service (DOS)


Answer the Following


Ans. Cyber threat is any such act which can result in an undesirable incident that could harm to your computer activities .


Ans.  Worm:- Worm is a software program that actively transmit itself over a network to infect other computer but unlike a virus.

Spyware:- Spyware includes software programs that are installed on your computer to steal information from your computer on an ongoing basis without your knowledge.


Ans. Many Spammers and hackers send e-mails to unsuspecting persons to get their credit card or bank information. Such messages are called Phishing Messages.


Ans. Spam messages are sent to lure you to take actions that may lead to other unwanted implications like downloading of malware on your computer. These unwanted messages by email or even by SMS are known as Spam.


Ans. A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized use of and access to your computer. A firewall can be either hardware or software. If you are using Windows, you can use the built-in Windows firewall.