Friday, February 12, 2021

Class-8 Chapter-12 Solved Exercise


Class -8



1              A

2              A

3              B

4              B

5              A

6              C

True/ False

1              F

2              T

3              F

4              F

5              T

6              F

Fill in Blanks

1              Cyber Threat

2              Personal Information

3              Password

4              Social Engineering

5              Cookies

6              Worm

Match The following

1              D

2              E

3              A

4              C

5              B

6              G

7              F

One Word Answer


Ans. A Trojan Horse is programme to deceive the user by appearing to be a genuine file (like an image or video or a software utility).


Ans. Adware is short form for advertising –supported software.


Ans. Cookies are data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser while a user is browsing a website.


Ans. Kespersky, Symantec, AVG


Ans. Denial of Service (DOS)


Answer the Following


Ans. Cyber threat is any such act which can result in an undesirable incident that could harm to your computer activities .


Ans.  Worm:- Worm is a software program that actively transmit itself over a network to infect other computer but unlike a virus.

Spyware:- Spyware includes software programs that are installed on your computer to steal information from your computer on an ongoing basis without your knowledge.


Ans. Many Spammers and hackers send e-mails to unsuspecting persons to get their credit card or bank information. Such messages are called Phishing Messages.


Ans. Spam messages are sent to lure you to take actions that may lead to other unwanted implications like downloading of malware on your computer. These unwanted messages by email or even by SMS are known as Spam.


Ans. A firewall is a system designed to prevent unauthorized use of and access to your computer. A firewall can be either hardware or software. If you are using Windows, you can use the built-in Windows firewall.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Class-7 Chapter-11 Solved Exercise




1          A

2          D

3          C

4          B

5          D

6          A

7          C

True / False

1          T

2          F

3          T

4          T

5          F

6          T

7          F

8          F

9          T

10       T

Fill in The Blanks

1          E-Commerce

2          EFT

3          E-governance

4          E-education

5          Blogs

6          Social Networking

7          Distort

8          Facebook

9          Linkedin



1          E         

2          A

3          B

4          C

5          D

6          G

7          F

Short Answer Type Questions


Ans. Video Conferencing


Ans. Usenet


Ans. Facebook


Ans. E –Commerce is the buying and selling of goods and services on the Internet.


Ans. E-government


Ans. Linkedin


Ans. EFT


Ans. Cybersafety is the safe and responsible use of Information and communication Technologies over the Internet.


Ans. Our Password should be formed in Combination of Upper and Lower case letters, symbol and numbers


Ans. Legally Purchased Antivirus 


Long Answer Type Questions


Ans. Video conferencing is a live conference conducted by using the electronic media and the Internet.


Ans. Retail stores, Cinema Halls, Banks providing services.


Ans. Payment of Telephone bills, Submission of Online forms, Payment of Income Tax.


Ans. Blogs are virtual diaries created by individuals and stored on the Internet.

Topic – Computer Knowledge


Ans. The websites where people meet online and exchange messages, comments, pictures and videos are known as social networking sites.


Ans. 1. You can communicate with your old friends who are members on the same social networking site.

2. Not only will you make new friends, you will also learn about new culture or even new languages.


Ans. 1. Use a strong Password.

2. Don’t posted your full information on the Internet.


Ans. Twitter is a website that offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called tweets.      


Class-8 Chapter-11 Solved Exercise


Class -8


1          C

2          A

3          B

4          A

5          D

True/ False

1          T

2          T

3          T

4          F

5          F

6          T

7          F

8          T

9          T

10       T

Fill in the blanks

1          Style

2          HTML

3          Use

4          Selector

5          Property

6          Values

7          Inline

8          Background –color


1          C

2          A

3          B

4          F

5          D

6          E

One word Answer

1          Cascading Style Sheets

2          A CSS comment begins with /*, and ends with */.

3          Property is used to underline, over line, and strikethrough text.

4          Values could be normal, bold, bolder, lighter, (number), XX-small, X-small, medium, large, X-large, XX-large, larger and smaller.

5          We can change the width, style and color of the border.

6          Border, Width, Height and opacity


Answer the following:

1          Font Family : Property is used to change the face of a font. Values could be any font.

            Font Size: Property is used to increase or decrease the size of a font.

2          Font Weight: Property is used to increase or decrease how bold or light a font appears.

3          Text Transform: Property is used to capitalize text or convert to uppercase or lower case letters.

4          Border: Property is used to set border.

            Border width: Specifies the thickness of the border.

            Border Style: Specifies the style of the border which can be any of the mentioned value.

            Border color: specifies the color of the border

5          Image: Properties to change the height, width of the image and to apply the border to image. We can also change the opacity of any image. Using border, width, height and opacity property we can alter any image.

Class -6 Chapter-11 Solved Exercise



1          C

2          B

3          A

4          A

5          C

True/ False

1          T

2          F

3          F

4          T

Fill in the blanks

1          Blind Carbon Copy

2          Signature

3          Junk

4          +

5          Exact Phrase


1          B

2          D

3          A

4          E

5          C


One Word Answers

1          Carbon Copy

2          We can send a picture, sound or video clip as an attachment with your e-mail.

3          To Compose a new e-mail

4          A signature

5          SPAM mail

6          + sign in front of a keyword to include it in the search result and the – sign to exclude it from the search result.

Answer the following

1          In the e-mail screen, Cc : is the acronym for the Carbon Copy and Bcc: is the acronym for the Blind Carbon Copy.

2          SPAM mail is the practice of sending huge volumes of unsolicited e-mail for advertisements.

3          Favorites are a feature provided by the Internet browser tool that allow a user to store and return to his or her favorite website directly.

4          When you enter a search term that consists of more than one word, like math puzzle, you can get results where both terms can be present in any order and anywhere in the search result.

5          + sign in front of a keyword to include it in the search result and the – sign to exclude it from the search result.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Class-7 Chapter-10 Solved Exercise


1 d

2 a

3 c

4 d

5 a


1 T

2 F

3 F

4 T

5 F


1. Comarision operator

2. +

3.  Sequential

4. colon



1. e

2. d

3. a

4. b

5. c

One word

1. Operators of the highest precedence are performed first.

2. Operators at the top of the table have the lowest precedence.

3. Used to replicate a string multiple times.

4. It is used to reserve the logica; state of its operand.

5. '/' Operator divides left side operands with right side operand. Result is the quotient.

    '//' operator is the quotient in which the digits after the decimal points are not taken into account.

Answer in One word.

1. An operator is a symbol which helps the user to command the computer to do a certain mathematical or logical manipulation.

2. Operand are the values or variables, which the operator is applied to. The value of the operands can be manipulated by using operators.

3. Assiggnment Operators : Python assignment operators are used for assigning the value of the right operand to the left operand.

    Relational Operators :- These operators compare the values on either side of the operand and determine the relation between them.

4. Logical operators in python are used for conditional statements are true or false. Logical operators in Python are AND, OR and NOT.

5. Decisions in a program are used when the program has conditional choices to execute code block.



Class-8 Chapter-10 Solved Exercise



1. d

2. c

3. c

4. c

5. b



1. F

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. F



1. repeating loops

2. While loop

3. membership operator

4. false

5. one



1.  c

2.  d

3.  b

4.  e

5.  a


Answer in one word

1. range (start, stop, step)

2. while loop

3. for <variable>in range (intial value, final value, step value):

    loop body(statments to be executed)

4.  While<condition>

loop body(statementes to be executed)

5. A post increment operator is used to increment the value of variable after executing expression completely in which post increment is used.


Answer the following

1. For loops are typically used when the number of iteration is non before entering the loop. It is also known as definite loop.

2.  For loops are typically used when the number of iteration is non before entering the loop.  While loop has one control condition, and executes as long as the condition is true.

3.  Python membership operators evaluates if a value exists in a given sequence or not.

4. While<condition>

loop body(statementes to be executed)




while i<=10:

print (i)
