Monday, February 8, 2021

Class-8 Chapter-11 Solved Exercise


Class -8


1          C

2          A

3          B

4          A

5          D

True/ False

1          T

2          T

3          T

4          F

5          F

6          T

7          F

8          T

9          T

10       T

Fill in the blanks

1          Style

2          HTML

3          Use

4          Selector

5          Property

6          Values

7          Inline

8          Background –color


1          C

2          A

3          B

4          F

5          D

6          E

One word Answer

1          Cascading Style Sheets

2          A CSS comment begins with /*, and ends with */.

3          Property is used to underline, over line, and strikethrough text.

4          Values could be normal, bold, bolder, lighter, (number), XX-small, X-small, medium, large, X-large, XX-large, larger and smaller.

5          We can change the width, style and color of the border.

6          Border, Width, Height and opacity


Answer the following:

1          Font Family : Property is used to change the face of a font. Values could be any font.

            Font Size: Property is used to increase or decrease the size of a font.

2          Font Weight: Property is used to increase or decrease how bold or light a font appears.

3          Text Transform: Property is used to capitalize text or convert to uppercase or lower case letters.

4          Border: Property is used to set border.

            Border width: Specifies the thickness of the border.

            Border Style: Specifies the style of the border which can be any of the mentioned value.

            Border color: specifies the color of the border

5          Image: Properties to change the height, width of the image and to apply the border to image. We can also change the opacity of any image. Using border, width, height and opacity property we can alter any image.

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